Funny-tail: @StacyLondonSays, Cinderella of @lovelossonstage

Once upon a time a precocious little girl said her first words: high heels. Her name was Stacy London. More shocking was what she yelled in her birthday party: "I want to work in the fashion world!!!"

Since then she got: wrestlers, gray streak, positions in Vogue, Mademoiselle and TV shows.
One fine day it was Halloween and she went to the street in disguise. Did her hair in a way that hid the gray streak. Didn't work. People recognised her and asked if she went shopping or to ambush someone.

Stacy have hosted a TV show very well, kidding while shooting it. She was being herself: funnashion!

One day Stacy lost her stiletto like Cinderella, and someone from Love, Loss and What I Wore found it and announced: the owner of this shoe is exactly THE actress that we need, and she must have a great skill to walk in it. As it was a Louboutin, they went to Stacy's house as soon as possible. They told her the story, she wore the shoes and they lived happ...., come on! they still live


Written by Klair Bennett @LittleKakau, corrections by Maria Gilmore @MariaThinks

May 25th, special day, you need to know why

In 1969, God choice May as a great month, and the 25th day on May as fabulous day. He did an little angel come to this world. This little angel was named Stacy, but not any else Stacy, her name: Stacy London.
Named for the success since then, this little angel, the came as a baby girl, grew up and turned a beautiful woman in all the ways. That is obvious, angels are beautiful inside and outside.
I'm thankful for God, He did a great job taking care of this angel until and put her in my life and on the life of a lot of people.
Don't you believe in real angels between us? I'm sure you don't know Stacy London, she helps people to recover confidence giving fashion advices, saying words of wisdom and deep beautiful quotes. She makes people happy with a simple smile and her presense. Who can do all this is an angel, is not? And has more, she also works in charities events.
So, now you know, May 25th is special because of this!
Happy Birthday to Stacy, an angel between us! :)

Happy Birthday Stacy, I wish the best to you now and ever!

Mazl-tov tsu dayn geburtstog!

Much love,

Klair Bennett (Karis Mariclair Benetti), Brazil

Dictionary needs one more compound word

I'm sure you agree with me, the dictionary needs one more compound word, and it is: Stacy London!

What does Stacy London mean?

Stacy London: [def.: all good things; impossible give an exactly definition]; adj.: kind, funny, pretty, cute, beautiful, caring, humble, friendly, sweet, trustworthy, cool, charming, respectful, talented, supportive, smart, understanding, reliable, faithful, honest, generous, sensitive, responsible, special, sweet, compassionate, rare, noble, attractive, secure, considerate, wonderful, happy, nice, unique, helpful, confident, strong, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, etc. (nope, etcetera isn't one of meanings, it's here because has so much to write and this is just a post)

Oy! We need to do ONE dictionary just for write what Stacy London means! ;)

So, if someone tells to you: "You're Stacy London today!", be happy, that is such a sweet compliment!

Stacy London and Me: Impossible comparison

  • I wear All Star
  • She wear Christian Louboutin
  • I wear polyester
  • She wear cashmere
  • I joined Twitter in August
  • She joined Twitter in March
  • I've 5'7''
  • She has 5'7'' more HIGH high heels
  • I look great, um, better don't tell how many times (if I can comments)
  • She always looks great!
  • I live where some people ask: did you see your city on map?
  • She lives in New York City!
After all we're actualy very similar "not gonna lie": not because italian descent, brown eyes and dark hair, because WE ARE GIRLS! YAY!

Also we like to do the same things in vacation: "Sunbathe. Swim. Ride a bike. Parasail. Eat good food. Drink nice wine. You know, the usual." ;)

As Stacy is at vacation:


Those pictures don't need subtitle ;)

by Klair (Follow @LittleKakau)

After all, what is Stacy London?

After many conversations on Twitter with Stacy (not so much, I wanted to dramatize) and some fans, I came to this conclusion: I don't know what Stacy London is.
I know she is this planet. Probably it is part human, part Greek goddess.
Why? Read and draw conclusions:

Human attitudes that she has:
  1. eat
  2. work (perhaps for sport)
  3. tire
  4. sometimes rest
  5. sleep (I discovered this because she not works 24 hours a day and neither is on Twitter all the time, I think I deserve the Nobel Prize)
  6. take time with family
  7. take time with friends
  8. go to the bathroom (she does this, is not it unbelievable?)
And her part Greek goddess:
  1. reconciling work, Baby Al, family, friends and Twitter (I counted, already has had days when it exceeded the tweets per hour, it certainly has been blocked. What do you think of talking with technical support of Twitter? goddess not may have limits)
  2. unconditional love to Baby Al (one day I will see a picture of this kitten)
  3. emotional support to someone that need ("take care babe")
  4. advice on fashion incredibly wonderful
  5. beneficent work
  6. extreme patience (sometimes I do not stand myself on Twitter =P)
  7. great sense of humor ('m not sure why she laughs at my texts)
  8. be a pretty woman, of course! (- me: Mom, when I grow up I want to be like Stacy London! - my mother: takes way girl, you're already an adult, will grow up to where?)
Final score: 8 x 8! Really she is part human and part goddess **
But seriously (I promised to try, this is my chance!). Stacy is a blessing that God gave us a little piece of heaven. An angel. Appreciate your existence, Stay!

I love her so much more than I love my sister. (Hey, I just remember, I have no sister!).

Ultimately, you are special to me, for us, for all the fans and for those with no sense of fashion that you help (look at me here again!).

Love, we love and will love Stacy London: wonder woman in real life!

by Klair Bennett follow @LittleKakau at Twitter
** Galia Real (@GaliaReal)

I learn a lot with Stacy London

What I learn with Stacy?

"Oh my God!
What girl is wrought?"
(Stacy thinking, haha )

  1. Say "Shut up!" not only when someone talks too much
  2. Love shoes, heels
  3. Stilettos are the best friends of a woman (diamonds too, of course)
  4. Pointy toe shoes are beautiful (don't wear just to kill at the cheap at corner)
  5. Hair is HAIR(sometimes it has own personality)
  6. Sweets words: Sweetie, Hun,Hunny,Honey, Babe.
  7. Say "Shut the front door!" not only when you pass the door and forgot close it
  8. "work hard, dress right" (my truth is: I work hard, but the last part, no comments)
  9. No comments (I learn it with Stacy on Twitter too)
  10. Post on Twitter is public (I was silly, poor me)

I trying learn much more, but I'm a little slow lately.

by Klair Bennett

follow @LittleKakau at Twitter

How is the Stacy London lifestyle

Why this crazy woman says Stacy London is a lifestyle?
  1. I'm not crazy, just a little eccentric
  2. She is an example that can be followed
How to get the lifestyle Stacy London?
First you need to make all these ten items:to complete college
  1. to have style
  2. to be always neat
  3. be independent
  4. do not let the success go to your head
  5. to have a cat
  6. not let the others to put in your life
  7. to wear Stilletos
  8. to believe that everyone is beautiful in its own way
  9. to learn criticize with good humor, but without hurting
  10. to know your better, in personality and in physical
* to reside at New York City is opcional

Now you are ready to have a lifestyle "Stacy London"!

by Klair Bennett
follow @LittleKakau at Twitter