Stacy London and Me: Impossible comparison

  • I wear All Star
  • She wear Christian Louboutin
  • I wear polyester
  • She wear cashmere
  • I joined Twitter in August
  • She joined Twitter in March
  • I've 5'7''
  • She has 5'7'' more HIGH high heels
  • I look great, um, better don't tell how many times (if I can comments)
  • She always looks great!
  • I live where some people ask: did you see your city on map?
  • She lives in New York City!
After all we're actualy very similar "not gonna lie": not because italian descent, brown eyes and dark hair, because WE ARE GIRLS! YAY!

Also we like to do the same things in vacation: "Sunbathe. Swim. Ride a bike. Parasail. Eat good food. Drink nice wine. You know, the usual." ;)

As Stacy is at vacation:


Those pictures don't need subtitle ;)

by Klair (Follow @LittleKakau)

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