How is the Stacy London lifestyle

Why this crazy woman says Stacy London is a lifestyle?
  1. I'm not crazy, just a little eccentric
  2. She is an example that can be followed
How to get the lifestyle Stacy London?
First you need to make all these ten items:to complete college
  1. to have style
  2. to be always neat
  3. be independent
  4. do not let the success go to your head
  5. to have a cat
  6. not let the others to put in your life
  7. to wear Stilletos
  8. to believe that everyone is beautiful in its own way
  9. to learn criticize with good humor, but without hurting
  10. to know your better, in personality and in physical
* to reside at New York City is opcional

Now you are ready to have a lifestyle "Stacy London"!

by Klair Bennett
follow @LittleKakau at Twitter

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