May 25th, special day, you need to know why

In 1969, God choice May as a great month, and the 25th day on May as fabulous day. He did an little angel come to this world. This little angel was named Stacy, but not any else Stacy, her name: Stacy London.
Named for the success since then, this little angel, the came as a baby girl, grew up and turned a beautiful woman in all the ways. That is obvious, angels are beautiful inside and outside.
I'm thankful for God, He did a great job taking care of this angel until and put her in my life and on the life of a lot of people.
Don't you believe in real angels between us? I'm sure you don't know Stacy London, she helps people to recover confidence giving fashion advices, saying words of wisdom and deep beautiful quotes. She makes people happy with a simple smile and her presense. Who can do all this is an angel, is not? And has more, she also works in charities events.
So, now you know, May 25th is special because of this!
Happy Birthday to Stacy, an angel between us! :)

Happy Birthday Stacy, I wish the best to you now and ever!

Mazl-tov tsu dayn geburtstog!

Much love,

Klair Bennett (Karis Mariclair Benetti), Brazil