Dictionary needs one more compound word

I'm sure you agree with me, the dictionary needs one more compound word, and it is: Stacy London!

What does Stacy London mean?

Stacy London: [def.: all good things; impossible give an exactly definition]; adj.: kind, funny, pretty, cute, beautiful, caring, humble, friendly, sweet, trustworthy, cool, charming, respectful, talented, supportive, smart, understanding, reliable, faithful, honest, generous, sensitive, responsible, special, sweet, compassionate, rare, noble, attractive, secure, considerate, wonderful, happy, nice, unique, helpful, confident, strong, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, etc. (nope, etcetera isn't one of meanings, it's here because has so much to write and this is just a post)

Oy! We need to do ONE dictionary just for write what Stacy London means! ;)

So, if someone tells to you: "You're Stacy London today!", be happy, that is such a sweet compliment!